Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The only golden rule is that there are no golden rules.

Yellowstone for my birthday.

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Parents the week after.


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As if we did not eat enough, we went to Yocco’s twice in 16 hours:

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Lovely Newark, where apparently they have parking problems:

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And aesthetic problems:

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Fastest growing city in Pennsylvania!:

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The Jersey Shore:

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First house I ever lived in. Black shingles, new paint, and a less-fussy door would do wonders:

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Headed home. First, Jersey City:

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Then, North Jersey (and I thought Texans were rich):

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Back in Montana, Cooper had made a new, older friend:

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We took him skiing:

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And then, natch, to a bar:

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Finally, Lantern Ridge on Sunday. A lot of crusts and a bit of powder. Just keeping things honest:

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1 comment:

Shawna said...

You took him to the BEST kind of bar: 'kid friendly' with cheap plastic chairs and a pool table with room to actually take a shot. I loved the pics of New Jersey. All I've ever seen of that area is the scenery Tony Soprano saw on his way to work, or the tanning salons and gym frequented by Pauly D. and Mike.